3 Core Breathwork Principles for Lasting Results [Empowering Breath Series #2]

In today's fast-paced world, breathwork methods have gained attention for their promise of relaxation, increased energy, and altered states of being. However, with so many techniques available, it's natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. That's where understanding the fundamental principles of breathwork becomes invaluable. It serves as your compass, guiding you through various methods and even enabling you to create your own, tailored to your unique needs.

In the upcoming weeks, I'll be delving into the importance and numerous benefits of breathwork. Optimal breathing is not only crucial for your physical and mental well-being but also a powerful tool for effectively managing life's stresses. Stay tuned for insights that will help you harness the incredible potential of your breath!

Unveiling the Foundations: Methods vs. Principles in Breathwork


Breathing methods are the specific steps we take to achieve a desired outcome - they're the tools in our kit. Think of practices like Wim Hof, Box Breathing, or Circular Breathing. For instance, the Wim Hof method involves a series of breaths followed by breath holds, repeating for several rounds.


Breathing principles, on the other hand, are the unchanging rules that govern how our respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems function. They are the timeless truths that remain constant, regardless of the method employed.

Three Core Breathing Principles To Tune Into


1. Biomechanics: This is all about how you breathe and move, influencing the quality of your breath and its impact on your body. This includes factors like posture, whether you breathe through your nose or mouth, emphasis on lower ribcage or chest, and the intensity of airflow.

In simple terms, slow, deliberate breaths through the nose into your lower ribcage or belly promote a calming effect. On the other hand, frequent mouth breathing into the chest area tends to activate your system. 


2. Physiology and Biochemistry: In simple terms, your breath has a direct influence on the chemistry of your body. Whether you take slow, controlled breaths or opt for quick, deep ones, this can impact various bodily processes. This understanding empowers you to fine-tune your breath to achieve specific goals, such as enhancing or reducing certain bodily functions. (For example, balancing your pH levels, crucial for processes like oxygenating blood and digesting food.)


3. Autonomic Nervous System: The autonomic nervous system is a component of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary physiologic processes including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal.

This system rapidly responds to your breath. Quick, forceful inhales activate the sympathetic system (fight or flight), while deliberate exhales engage the parasympathetic system (rest and digest, calm).

Customizing Methods to Your Goals


Equipped with these core principles, you're better poised to select methods aligned with your specific aims. Whether you seek an energy boost or calm amidst anxiety, tailoring your breath is key.

Remember, one-size-fits-all doesn't apply. Whether it's optimizing exercise, ensuring restful sleep, managing energy levels, aiding digestion, or navigating emotions, understanding these principles allows you to fine-tune your breath for each scenario.

In the coming weeks, I'll share specific methods for you to experiment with, enabling you to discover what resonates with you. Breath is your gateway to self-awareness and conscious interaction with your body's inner workings.

The Journey Ahead: Focusing on Principles


If you're on a path to elevate your health and performance, invest time in grasping these underlying principles. Shift your focus from methods to the foundational understanding of how your body responds to different stimuli. Here, in this understanding, lies the true magic of breathwork.

If you'd like more support on this journey, reach out to me. I'm here to help.