Empowering Self-Reflection: Choosing How to Show Up in Challenging Situations

How we approach life's moments often hinges on the questions we ask ourselves. The right questions can unlock a world of possibilities and solutions. One question I like to ask myself is: "How do I want to show up now?"

Who do I aim to be in this conversation or situation, be it a warm exchange, a tense moment, or a challenging encounter with a colleague, client, friend, stranger, or my family? This question has consistently guided me towards more meaningful connections with both myself and others. 

Wondering what this looks like in practice?

Recently, when furniture was delivered to our home, there was an unexpected switch without my consent. It felt unprofessional and left me feeling taken advantage of. Initially, I was tempted to make an angry call to demand what I had originally ordered. I could sense my temper flaring, frustrated at the time and energy this inconvenience was costing me. (Oh, how I miss the efficiency of customer service in the U.S. sometimes.)

However, I chose to take a breath and pause. (Another habit I've been nurturing - there's something almost magical about the power of pausing before reacting.)


I asked myself, "How do I want to show up in this situation?" With anger, impatience, and frustration? Or with curiosity, compassion, and a gentle firmness? Which aligns better with my values and aspirations? How do I want to feel in this scenario? Which approach is more likely to lead to a resolution in my favor?


As you might imagine, I opted for curiosity and compassionate firmness. I'll keep you posted on the progress, as a resolution may take some time. Yet, I can share that this choice has spared my days from being consumed by negative energy over their actions. This is a significant win, especially considering the other priorities I want to attend to. My time and energy are invaluable.


Where might this practice benefit you?

Which aspects of your life could benefit from this approach in the weeks ahead? Consider how you want to present yourself at work - with your boss or that sometimes irksome colleague. Or who you want to be in those inevitable challenging moments we all encounter with our loved ones.

Remember, there's no absolute right or wrong here. You have the power to choose. Just ensure it's a conscious choice aligned with your true self and your values. In return, you'll find your daily life becoming all the more fulfilling and rewarding.