Declutter Your Mind (Day 9 of 30)
How often do you clean and declutter your home? Probably fairly regularly, right? Getting rid of all those old, broken, moldy, ill-fitting or simply unwanted items that no longer serve you is liberating!
Now, how often do you clean and declutter your mind? All those old thoughts that you picked up from your childhood, parents, classmates, college roommates, coworkers, neighbors, old partners…thoughts and habits that over a few decades turned into hard wired belief systems? Ever stop to dust them off, question them, and analyze if they are still valid or relevant in your current life?
Most importantly, are they serving you?
The mind is the most powerful tool we have, so take a look in inside and do a little 2020 New Year’s cleaning. See what goodies are in there.
It always feels good to clean and declutter your home. Imagine what it would feel like to declutter your mind and let go of some of those thoughts and limiting beliefs that aren’t serving the present or future you. Recommit to the ones you love.
One way to do this is to write down your thoughts each day and ask yourself quality questions about who you are and who want to be in life. What treasures or junk might you uncover?
✨See you tomorrow for Day 10 of 30 lessons learned from 2019!
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