Dream Blockers: #1 Perfectionism

Pursuing our dreams is a transformative journey, but we often encounter obstacles that hinder our progress. These "dream blockers" can discourage and demotivate us, preventing us from reaching our full potential.

However, overcoming these challenges is what makes the pursuit of our dreams rewarding. It's an opportunity for growth and stepping outside our comfort zone. Over the next 10 weeks, we'll explore common dream blockers and provide insights on how to overcome them, paving the way for a more purposeful pursuit of your dreams. Let's get started!

#1 Perfectionism:  

Perfectionism is the unattainable quest for flawlessness. Setting impossibly high standards creates a fear of failure, hindering our progress. Embracing imperfections and learning from mistakes allows our dreams to flourish. As I build my coaching business, perfectionism often creeps in, robbing me of time and celebration. Here are three pieces of advice that helped me:


  1. Recognize that perfectionism is a shield for fear. Identify your fears and work on embracing them. Perfectionism tries to keep us safe from judgment, but it limits our growth and impact.

  2. "B- is good enough" gets the ball rolling. Don't let the pursuit of perfection delay your progress. Start with good enough and refine later.

  3. Focus on the top 20% that matters. Put your effort into the aspects that create the most impact. Save perfectionism for what truly matters, rather than aiming for perfection in everything.


This week, take time to explore how perfectionism might be holding you back from your dreams. Notice resistance to putting yourself out there and examine the reasons behind it. Share your findings and questions with me—I'm here to support you on your journey to your big dreams and goals.

Remember, progress over perfection!



Ready to pursue your big goals and dreams, but haven't carved out the time and energy to think about it? I get it. It can be overwhelming, confusing, and scary to get started. Many of us get stuck - for years.

I have an amazing 4-session offer to help you get started. Click here to learn more. You’ll walk away with clarity, a plan, and inspiration to move you forward on your big dream journey.