Self-Confidence is the Emotion of Growth (Day 29 of 30)

How many of you have big dreams you’d love to accomplish, if only you had the self-confidence to go after them?!

Many of you think self-confidence is an innate gift that some lucky few are born with or that you gain through lots of experience over time. The truth is self-confidence is accessible to everyone. It is a state of being that is created in your mind and you can start cultivating it right away!

For example, take Wendy, a stay-at-home mom who planned to return to work by starting her own consulting business once her three kids were in school full-time. But once that day arrived she lacked the confidence to the take the steps necessary to put her dreams into action. She was plagued by insecurity, guilt, and fear of judgement by her peers. She was charting new territory and was looking to her past for evidence that she could do something that she had never done before and coming up short. What eventually got her unstuck and taking action towards her goal was learning how to cultivate self-confidence. She learned to access a source of power that was already within her.

Self-confidence is the ability to be secure in yourself and your abilities without any evidence. It is different from confidence which is based on past evidence that is external. For example, you are confident you can research and write a report because you’ve done it hundreds of times in your previous job (in your past). Or you are confident you can pour a glass of water because you’ve done it thousands of times. Self-confidence on the other hand is future oriented. It is an emotion, created internally by your thoughts. It is faith in your ability to learn, try and not give up! It is the emotion you need to create to fuel your actions when you are trying something new for the first time like relaunching your career.

Self-Confidence is the emotion of growth that will propel you towards your dreams if you are willing to cultivate it. It is a skill you can develop.

Check back tomorrow for three pro tips on how to start cultivating self-confidence in your life starting today.

✨See you tomorrow for Day 30 of 30 lessons learned from 2019!

💫 Are you a career break mom looking to re-enter the workforce, dream big and design a future you love? I’m passionate about helping you get there. Sign up for a free consult to learn how you can get started on your relaunch journey today! Click here.

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