How Answering These 5 Questions Can Boost Your Daily Productivity

Feeling productive? Meeting your goals with flying colors? If not, try doing a daily evaluation of what worked and what didn’t and watch your productivity soar! 

My productivity took a little hit the last couple weeks with the influx of three cavemen into my sacred home-office domain thanks to COVID-17. 😉

I experienced the reverse shock of everyone else - I went from no office mates to a mini-zoo (and I’m the zoo-keeper!). For those of you new to working from home, definitely check out my blog from last week Seven Pro Tips for Working from Home

I normally do a weekly and monthly evaluation of my work and goals. But last week I took part in a free mastermind with Elizabeth Salazar that reminded me of the benefits of doing daily evaluations of my work.

It was a step up from my regular daily thought downloads. It gave me the opportunity to assess my thoughts and feelings in depth as it pertained to my weekly goal and incorporate my daily lessons into the following day. 

Here are five questions you can ask yourself at the end of each day to assess your performance and draw lessons that you can incorporate into your next day:

  1. What did you do today to meet your goals? 

    • And with what emotion? (It is particularly important to note which emotions fueled your actions and results so you can identify what works for you moving forward.)

  2. What emotions did you experience the most throughout the day? 

    • Also identify the thought that generated that emotion, because thoughts create your feelings which drive your actions and thus your results. Bringing awareness to which feelings you felt throughout the day will be illuminating as to what thought patterns you may need to adjust.

  3. What went well and what didn’t?

    • Think about how you can change it if needed.

  4. Can you identify any patterns you might be repeating? 

    • Look for patterns in your thoughts, feelings, or actions.

  5. Write 2-3 reasons you will continue working towards your goals despite the challenges!

    • This is your motivation to keep going no matter what. Your grand WHY!

After doing this every day for five days it became very clear why I wasn’t being productive. I was able to identify patterns that were repeating. Many of the emotions driving my work weren’t serving my end goals of creating new content and making offers. I was feeling frustrated, irritated, uncertain and annoyed, etc. These feelings were mostly generated in my personal life due to my thoughts around the new office dynamics (is that a screeching monkey in my kitchen?!#! WTH), but I was allowing them to seep into and influence my work life. I had to process these uncomfortable emotions and intentionally choose thoughts and feelings that served my business goals. 

How about you? 😁

I encourage you to do a daily evaluation of your goals, thoughts, feelings, actions and results. Notice any patterns you might be creating and take ownership of them. Having a daily check-in will keep you on track! It doesn’t have to take long (5-10 minutes). Don’t wait until the end of the week or month to check and see how things are aligning.

If you’d like to dive deeper on this topic or you just need someone to talk to this week about COVID-19 set up a free consult . I'm always here for you.

Sending you love and light. ❤️