Three Reasons Why You Aren't Following Through on Your Calendar

Are you frustrated with not following through on your calendar or achieving your goals?

Chances are you probably fall into one or more of these categories:

  • You’re not living in alignment with your true values and dreams.

  • You’re judging yourself harshly and loving yourself with conditions. 

  • You’re trying to be someone you’re not.

After coaching others and myself on this for a couple years now, these are some of the themes that I encountered.

1. Not Living in Alignment with Your Values and Dreams  

Values are a compass to how you want to live your life. They help ground your decision-making and actions, and give greater purpose and meaning to everything that you do. When you’re uncertain about a decision or something feels off, it is a signal to check in to see if you’re still in alignment with your values. It can be a sign. 

The same goes for your dreams. If you are living someone else’s dream instead of your own, it is going to be very hard to find the energy to follow through on your commitments. Take the time to stop and evaluate why you’re prioritizing someone’s dream over your own.

2. Judging Yourself Harshly and Loving Yourself with Conditions

When you judge yourself a failure for not living up to your or others expectations, you feel terrible. Your inner critic is often the one responsible for feelings like frustration, guilt, shame and anxiety. 

These feelings make it difficult to get anything done. They come from thoughts like “What is wrong with me? I must be lazy and complacent. Without punishing myself for my mistakes I’ll never learn from them.” These lies and conditional self-love can be debilitating.

Try countering them with self-empathy and unconditional love. Imagine how much better you will feel. 

You can better access your inner wisdom to solve problems when you’re showing yourself compassion and loving yourself unconditionally, not when you’re beating yourself up. You don’t operate at your peak under duress. 

3. Trying to Be Someone You’re Not

Have you tried every scheduling protocol out there and nothing works for you? You’re not alone. It may be because you haven’t tried integrating your unique personality into the protocol.

There is no one else out there just like you. 

You have your own unique way of thinking, working and living. Sometimes trying to bend backwards into someone else's scheduling system just doesn’t work.

The good news there is no right or wrong way to schedule your life and accomplish your dreams. 

If a beaten path doesn’t work for you, there is nothing wrong with you. Simply EXPERIMENT. Create your own way of doing things. How fun is that!? 

You can take tips or pieces of other’s scheduling frameworks and conduct mini experiments to figure out what works for YOU. 

Trust yourself. 

Allow yourself to be and look different. Find pride in that. 

Go with what feels right for you until you get the results you want.

Journaling Prompt: Take a few moments to think about where in your life you might be showing up in one or more of these three areas. What does it look like for you? How does it impact your life? What are some mini-experiments that you’d like to try this coming week?

If you’d like some support setting your goals and following through on them in alignment with who you are, contact me and let’s set up a free coaching call. I’d love to help you get started taking action towards your goals.

#timemanagement #getthingsdone #selflove #embraceyou