Dream Blockers: #5 Overwhelm

Welcome to week 5 of our exploration into common obstacles that hinder us from achieving our big dreams and goals. Today, we're diving into the topic of overwhelm and how to overcome it.

What is Overwhelm?


Overwhelm is a pervasive experience that varies from person to person, but generally involves feeling completely overcome or overloaded by emotions, thoughts, or tasks. It often leads to mental and emotional exhaustion, difficulty focusing, heightened stress and anxiety, and a sense of losing control.

For me, overwhelm manifests as an uncomfortable achy sensation under my skin, leading me to want to seek relief by stalling on my work.

Remember, you're not alone if you experience overwhelm—it's a normal part of the human experience. So be kind to yourself as you navigate through it. Recognizing the signs of overwhelm in your body is an important first step in learning to overcome it.

Navigating and Overcoming Overwhelm

A couple years ago, I realized that I could finally travel around the world with my kids for a few months. Unfortunately the timing didn't work for my husband, so i had to plan on my own and solo parent while traveling. This realization triggered feelings of overwhelm, as my mind screamed, "So much to do! So little time! All by myself! How will you keep them safe?!"

Not exactly how you want to feel when you have a big adventure ahead of you.

Below are three practices I used to help me move through overwhelm and move forward to realizing my dream.

1. Calm your nervous system.

Overwhelm often triggers a heightened sympathetic state in our nervous system, leading to a "fight, flight, or freeze" response. It's hard to do anything productive in this state, so one must prioritize self-care here.

There are many ways to calm your nervous system, such as breathwork, mindfulness, physical activities like walking or yoga, taking a bath, listening to music, reading a book, or spending time in nature. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you find what works best for you.

When I got overwhelmed planning our travels, I generally wanted to freeze. But by intentionally calming my nervous system with breathwork, I was able to counteract this response and restore a sense of control.

2. Uncover the fear beneath overwhelm.

Overwhelm often serves as a cover emotion for deeper fears that may be holding us back. So get curious and notice if there are any underlying fears that you are avoiding, such as the fear of failure, judgment, or the unknown.

With some reflection and coaching, I realized that what I was really avoiding by being overwhelmed was the deep fear I had of something happening to my kids during our travels.

I was carrying founded and unfounded fears, and imagining them to be so big that I would get paralyzed with inaction at times. By acknowledging those fears with compassion, I was able to get the support I needed to work through them one by one.

With each fear I confronted, I became more empowered.

3. Break it down.

Sometimes, looking at the big picture can be overwhelming in itself.

Even though my dream of traveling with my boys energized and excited me to no end, the grand journey could feel overwhelming.

Thus, it was helpful to break my big goal down into smaller, manageable steps like focusing on one city or country at a time. Progress is progress, no matter how small, and it was what got me to the finish line.

So if you find overwhelm creeping in, focus on the next small step. You'll find yourself making tangible progress and feeling a sense of accomplishment along the way.


If you're feeling overwhelmed and would like personalized support in navigating through it, I'm here for you. You don't have to do it alone.

With guidance and support, you can overcome overwhelm and continue moving forward on your unique path towards your dreams and goals. 

I hope this blog has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by clicking here.

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Double the Pleasure Offer: if you'd like even more support on your big dream journey, I'm offering a two for one coaching special for a limited time (1 coach, 2 Big Dream Adventurers together for 10-months). See get coached with a friend below for more info.

Catch Up On Common Dream Blockers: If you missed the first four weeks of the series, you can catch up on them here: 

#1 Perfectionism

#2 Lack of Clarity

#3 Judgement from Others

#4 Low Self-Worth

#overwhelm #bigdream #liveyourdream

Limited Time Offer: Two for One Coaching

Work on Your Big Dream with a Friend or Colleague. Double the Pleasure, Twice the Success.

Pursuing your big dreams and goals with a friend or colleague can be more fun, more rewarding, and more successful.

With a friend or colleague by your side, you'll have:

  • More accountability: You'll be more likely to stay on track and motivated when you have someone else to answer to.

  • More brainpower: You can share ideas and brainstorm solutions together.

  • More love and support: You'll have someone to celebrate your successes with and offer comfort during tough times.

  • More fulfillment: When you achieve your goals with a friend or colleague, the sense of accomplishment will be even sweeter.

For a limited time, I'm offering two-for-one coaching. I'll coach both of you at the same time as you work towards your individual big goals. You can share my 4-session introductory package ($800)* or commit to the full 10-month coaching package ($2,500)*. A huge relief to your budget with all the extra support built in.

This is a great opportunity to achieve your dreams with the support of someone you care about. To learn more, email me and I'll send you more information.

Offer expires July 30th, so don't delay!

Here are some additional benefits of working on your big dream with a friend:

  • You can share resources and knowledge.

  • You can learn from each other's experiences.

  • You can create a more supportive and encouraging environment.

  • You can have more fun!

If you're ready to take your big dream to the next level, I encourage you to reach out to me and learn more about my two-for-one coaching offer.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have and help you find the best way to achieve your goals. Click here to email me and learn more.

*Some restrictions may apply. Please contact me for details.