Big Dreams Can Be Scary: That's Okay and Normal

Are your dreams so big and awesome they scare you sometimes?

Have you dismissed them as fantasy or buried them deep inside because they feel too hard? 

You aren’t alone. I’ve certainly been there. 

One of my big dreams is to take a year off and travel around the world. The thought of it is both thrilling and scary at the same time.

My brain soars at the thought of exploring new countries, people, cultures and natural wonders. AND my brain comes up with a million excuses why it isn’t possible. Money, time, dangers, guilt, luxury, environmental footprint, disease, logistics, the pandemic, etc. My brain can easily descend into a rabbit hole of worries on this topic.

Coupled with everyone else’s judgements, worries, jealousies and fears, I am at times deflated and discouraged to the point of paralysis. What was I thinking?! Who am I to believe this is possible for me? I have so many responsibilities and I’m a very responsible person. That’s been my story for the last 20 years.

I’ve decided enough is enough (I’ve been working on this for a while BTW). It's okay to be scared of my dream. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong. In fact, it’s NORMAL. Our brains physiologically want to keep us safe. 

I can even be the amazingly “responsible” person that I am and follow my dream. 😉 It wouldn’t be a dream if it wasn't pushing me outside of my comfort zone, if it wasn’t hard to do. That’s part of the appeal of it. 

So plans are in motion for this dream to unfold starting later this year. I’m moving through the planning stages with some fear by my side and it’s OKAY. 

I’m aware of these thoughts and feelings, and I’m managing them thoughtfully as I take baby steps towards it. Fear isn’t comfortable but it won’t kill me. It’s just an emotion with uncomfortable sensations in my body. I breathe into it, allow it, journal about it and breathe into it again and again…it’s a journey.

It’s freeing to listen to my truth, to own it and act on it. 

One of my teachers, Brooke Castillo, once said, “our desires are the map to our destiny…our true desires, what we really want, are our’s calling us forward.” I like this thought. I will be unfolding part of my calling as I follow my desire to travel around the world. I may not know what that looks like yet, but I’ll keep you posted! 😁

So what do YOU REALLY  WANT? If you could have whatever you wanted in the world, what would you want? Unfiltered. Give yourself the gift of honesty here. Be truthful with yourself.  If you removed the doubt and allowed courage to bubble up, what comes up for you?

You don’t have to pursue it. You get to choose what you do with it. You don’t have to let knowing what you truly want hurt. 

From a true sense of self-worth and abundance, what dreams do you have? Don’t worry about the how. Just open up to the truth and possibilities today.

I'd love to hear what comes up for you. Email me your first unfiltered thoughts. 

🦋 If you want support in exploring whatever came up for you - the nudge, the desire, the dream, the fears - set up a call with me to explore it. Email me or click the blue button below.